Участник:Getaway driver edition

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In pulling off any kind of heist, an absolutely crucial part of planning is ensuring that everyone involved in the crime is absolutely dependable. This, obviously, can be a bit of a tough standard to meet, given that you're by definition dealing with thieves, but we've all watched enough movies to know that it is nevertheless true.

A group of ATM thieves in Silver Spring, Maryland, did not do that.

Surveillance footage released by the Montgomery County Police Department shows a heist gone slightly, but not irretrievably, wrong, at least for a little while. A group of men broke into a convenience store by backing up a pickup truck into the storefront, and then slowly, laboriously transferred a full ATM onto an orange hand truck.

Because ATMs are incredibly heavy and one of these fellows did not appear to be pulling his weight, this process took a little longer than it would take in a cool heist movie, where you have people whose job it is to worry about pacing. But they did nonetheless get the cash machine out of the store eventually.

In the meantime, however, the driver of the pickup truck had gotten either bored or spooked and had driven away, leaving the criminal masterminds without a getaway vehicle.

After an amusing sequence in which the ATM falls off the hand truck onto one of the thieves and two of them appear to bicker at each other for a bit, the thieves left the ATM in the parking lot and ran away on foot.

Get in the fast lane, Grandma, this bingo game is ready to roll!

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